Friday, 30 November 2012

"The Impossible" by J.A. Bayona

“Close your eyes and think of something beautiful”

“The Impossible” is a Spanish drama movie directed in 2012 by Juan Antonio Bayona, also known for directing “The Orphanage” (“El orfanato”). Both movies were written by Sergio G. Sánchez. “The Impossible” is starred by not only Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor but also by the English actor Tom Holland, who is sixteen years old. All of them make a brilliant role, but the young one is especially relevant for his short career.

This movie tells the story of a happy family of one couple and their three children that will be surprised by a huge tsunami that occurs during their holidays on a luxury resort in Thailand. After that catastrophe, the family will try to survive and recover from that frustrating happening, but they will have to fight and find many obstacles.

The story is based on a true story that actually happened on 26 December 2004, when after the natural disaster, there were approximately 186.983 deaths and 42.883 disappearances.

The main topic is solidarity. And that is indeed what Lucas (Tom Holland) learns across this moving featured movie.

This is a highly marketable product, and this is not necessarily bad. It just depends on your likes concerning cinema. Indeed, “The Impossible” is now known worldwide. Some days ago, “The New York Times” dedicated one article to talk about this movie, as you can see in the picture below.

There is no need to say that this is a big production movie, and you can realize that from the first minute of the screening. It has counted with $45 million according to Dark Horizons.

I believe that although there are too many handheld takes, which is sometimes uncomfortable for the spectator, there are many other nicely recorded takes and scenes. I would like to detach those takes played in slow motion, because they are really shocking.

Moreover, the soundtrack (including music, sounds and voices), is brilliant. It just helps the spectator to sail out in the story and to increase emotions.

The shooting started on August 2012, and finally, “The Impossible” was released in Spain on 11 October 2012. After that, it was released in Italy on 25 October 2012 and in France on 21 November 2012. It will be released in the United States on December 21, 2012 by Sunmit Entertainment.

To end up, I just recommend you to watch this outstanding Spanish film that has already been a success on the countries where it has been released. There is no doubt that this movie will create a big tsunami at the worldwide box offices.

During this movie, there are some extraordinary scenes, but you should always remember that sometimes the impossible can become possible.


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

"Ciudadano Kane" por Orson Welles

En 1941 un jovencísimo Orson Welles estrena "Ciudadano Kane" con tan solo veinticinco años, conocido en el mundo del teatro y la radio se embarca en la aventura de hacer películas para llegar a hacer de su obra la mejor  película de la historia del cine, donde además de dirigir se encarga de dar vida a Charles Foster Kane.

Este conocido filme obtuvo en su momento nueve nominaciones a los Oscar, logrando finalmente el Oscar al mejor guión.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

17 Edición de Madridimagen 2012

El pasado lunes 26 de noviembre dió comienzo la décimo séptima edición del Festival MADRIDIMAGEN, que tiene lugar, como su propio nombre indica, en la capital española. En esta edición, que se llevó a cabo desde el 26 hasta el 29 de noviembre, se proyectó una selección de óperas primas de directores de países hispanohablantes, es decir, se pretendía difundir obras de directores amateurs que han llevado a cabo su primer largometraje.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Cortometraje de la semana

"Nuit Blanche" por Arev Manoukian

Freddie Mercury

5 September 1946 - 24 November 1991

"I am not going to be a star. I am going to be a legend."

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Superman Cartoons

"Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SUPERMAN!"

Warner Bros Studios have recently uploaded seven episodes of "Superman" animation series that was carried out by Flaischer Studios in 1940 approximately. All of them were directed by the American Dave Fleischer, who was also co-owner of the studios that have his surname.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

"Vértigo" por Alfred Hitchcock

Me gustaría inaugurar esta sección con la mejor película de la historia del cine, "Vértigo" de Alfred Hitchcock, que este año ha desbancado a "Cidadano Kane" de Orson Welles según la última encuesta de la revista Sight and Sound del Festival de Cine Británico, por cierto, una de mis películas favoritas por su relación extradiegética con el espectador, pero a ella volveremos otro día.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Festival de Cine 4+1

“Una ventana a los grandes festivales de Cine”

Con estas palabras se autodefine el Festival de Cine 4+1, que se llevará a cabo del 21 hasta el 25 de noviembre de 2012. Este Festival, promovido y organizado por Fundación Mapfre, tiene una peculiaridad, y es su carácter internacional y simultáneo; es decir, que tiene lugar en cinco capitales del mundo al mismo tiempo.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Semana de Cine Experimental de Madrid

La Semana de Cine Experimental de Madrid tuvo lugar en la capital española desde el 16 hasta el 23 de noviembre de 2012. En esta ocasión, se ha eligió la película “The Woman in the Septic Tank” para la inauguración oficial. Esta película es de Filipinas, lo cual no es casualidad, puesto que este año ha elegido la cinematografía de ese país como país invitado.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

"En la casa" por François Ozon

“Elegí esta profesión pensando que transmitiría la pasión por la literatura”

Profesores deambulando por un colegio. Una reunión en la que comienzan a debatir sobre el uso del uniforme, que finalmente es aprobado. En el exterior del colegio, los alumnos comienzan a entrar a sus clases del “Lycee Gustave Flaubert” (mostrado a través de un time-lapse). Después aparecen multitud de fotografías de alumnos que se van sucediendo al ritmo de la música.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Cómo moverse por festivales (Baratometrajes 2.0)

"Si tú no crees en tu película, no van a creer en ti y no vas a hacer la película nunca."
Daniel Diosdado

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Bilbao BBK Live


Esta es la noticia que alegró el día a los seguidores de "Green Day", aportando optimismo pese al pasado ingreso hospitalario del vocalista Billie Joe Armstrong para su rehabilitación por el consumo de sustancias.

"Diamond Flash" por Carlos Vermut

“Las frutas son las golosinas de la naturaleza”

Páginas de un cómic. Se oye una conversación de fondo mientras una niña lee ese cómic de superhéroes. Su madre está tumbada en la cama de un hospital. Cuando termina la conversación, la niña abraza a su madre.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Thursday, 1 November 2012

"The Last King of Scotland" by Kevin MacDonald

“Do you have monkeys in Scotland?”

Scotland, 1970. Some young people run and throw to the water. Then, one of these people is sat with his parents. This man is a doctor called Nicholas Garrigan, the main character of this film. He is tired of his boring life so he decides to travel anywhere. He takes a globe and says “first place you land, you go”. Finally he is lead to go to Uganda, where he will try to find a new life and “a bit of adventure, something different”.